Loving Life is a non-profit organization that promotes respect to life by offering support programs
to prevent abuse and to help those who have been victims of those sorts of actions with the intention to
inspire them to love life.
It is a social movement the unifies the effort of groups of people and media that want to stand up for
the prevention of physical, psychological and sexual abuse through very punctual and specific actions
along with the governmental institutions, civil associations and religious institutions/communities.
Build a culture of respect and love to human life from its prenatal phase until
its natural death.
To promote the respect for human value and human rights of the persons through providing
programs that support the prevention of abuse and violence within the society.
To be the kind of organization that can reach out the GREATEST amount of communities to promote violence
prevention and to provide support to as many people that have gone under any kind of abuse as possible.
Create and support positive actions that will strengthen the full integral development of the person in its various
dimensions: personal, familiar, social and cultural.

- Provide programs that prevent violence on is every form as well as support to those who
have been victims of it. - Promote and defend the value of life from the moment of conception and appeal to make
conscience that every human being is born free and equal in both, rights and dignity. - Bring to conscience that the human being is capable of transcending by its capacity to love,
beginning with loving oneself first.